Vacuum Hoses

Pool hoses are essential for your flexible vacuum heads to work properly. Not to be confused with automatic pool cleaner hoses, pool hoses are your standard pool hoses that come in many different fixed lengths. Shop durable and quality pool hoses from Water TechniX and Aussie Gold today!

350,000+ Pool Owners use Mr Pool Man
350,000+ Pool Owners use Mr Pool Man

Pool Vacuum Hoses serves as the connection between your flexible vacuum head and your pool’s skimmer box via a vacuum plate

Vacuum hoses straight from their packaging may have a little bit of “coil memory” to them causing them to coil around the first few times that you use them. This is normal and there’s nothing to worry about. 

To get the best efficiency when manually cleaning the pool, make sure that your pool vacuum hoses have no leaks in them or damage. While small leaks are okay (since you’re going to be the one manually pushing and moving the telepole around) it’s still recommended to replace your vacuum hoses at the first sign of damage to ensure that you’re getting the maximum suction power from your skimmer boxes. 

Tip: Get only the hose length that’s enough for your pool to avoid tangles and to maximize the suction power from your skimmer boxes. More unneeded hose length = more wasted suction power. 

For other pool cleaning equipment, check out our full collection of pool & spa maintenance tools here. 

Don’t like manually pushing around a pool vacuum with a telepole? Check out our collection of automatic pool cleaners here