Pool & Spa Chemicals
97 products
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Pool Chemicals are responsible for sanitising your pool and creating ideal swimming conditions. Stock up with our "buy more & save" function to keep a handy supply all-year-round. Mr Pool Man stocks every pool chemical online you'd need from Australian-made Water TechniX, plus we deliver to anywhere in Australia!

Every pool needs some sort of pool chemical to be balanced and to create ideal swimming conditions. If one thinks of pool supplies, the first thing that will pop into their minds is pool chemicals. From traditional pools, salt water pools, magnesium mineral pools, and even “Naked” pool systems, they all need some degree of pool chemical application for them to become balanced and safe for use.
Pool Chemical FAQs
Keeping your pool crystal-clear shouldn’t be rocket science, well, at the very least chemistry. Keeping a good inventory chemicals for pool cleaning is the first step to ensuring that your pool stays clean and clear for the months ahead.
Which pool chemicals should I buy for my pool?
If you’re looking to buy pool cleaning chemicals online then you should make sure that you have a complete set. Pool chemicals that you should have in stock are: Chlorine / Pool Shock, Algaecide, Algae Remover, PH Balance Chemicals, and Calcium Hardness Chemicals. For a more detailed look at what pool chemical you need for your pool, check out our pool chemistry 101 guide here.
What pool chemicals for above ground pools?
A pool is a pool, whether it’s an in-ground pool or an above ground pool. The chemicals you will be needing will be the same.
How to add chemicals to pool?
As one of our beloved customers put it, “simply chuck your pool chemicals into the pool”. In all honesty, that will work to a certain extent, but there are actually techniques so that you’ll get the best out of the pool chemicals that you buy. There’s too much to list, but if you would like to learn more, check out our ultimate guide to pool chemicals here.
How much pool chemicals to add?
Add as much chemicals as needed. We’re sorry that there isn’t a fixed answer because each pool is different and every situation is different. There is no one sized fits all solution to balancing your pool water with pool chemicals unless you’re shocking your pool. For exact amounts of pool chemicals to add, refer to the pool chemistry 101 guide or the ultimate pool chemistry guide above.
How often do I need to add pool chemicals?
At the very least, you should check and balance your pool chemical levels at least once a week. Specialized chemicals like phosphate removers and algaecide is added once a month. For other “regular” pool chemicals, check the directions printed on the bottle or check out the guides listed above.
When do I need to add pool chemicals to my pool?
Test your pool water with pool strips at least once a week. Add only the chemicals needed to bring your levels to the required levels.
Where’s the best place to buy pool chemicals in Australia?
As a family-owned business in Australia, Mr Pool Man is one of the best places to shop for pool chemicals in Australia. Our online pool shop allows you to conveniently order your pool chemicals online and get them shipped to your door for free as long as you reach the required minimum spend of $79.
Here are some of the most commonly used pool chemicals for home pools in Australia:
- Chlorine - Used as a sanitiser. Chlorine keeps your water clear of any contaminant that may be harmful to swimmer health
- Stabiliser - Also known as UV blockout, sunscreen, and cyanuric acid. This prevents your chlorine from being burned out by the sun and allows it to effectively sanitise your pool.
- Buffer - Also known as Alkalinity up or Sodium Bicarbonate. This prevents your pool’s pH levels from fluctuating and in turn allows all the other chemicals to function at optimal levels.
- Hardness Raiser - Also known as Calcium up or Calcium Chloride. This increases the calcium levels in your water so that it won’t “eat” the calcium from your pool surfaces.
- Algaecide - Algaecide can be used to prevent algae growth as well as to treat algae breakouts as well. Learn more about how to clear green pool water here.
- Clarifiers and Flocculants - These bind to microscopic particles that your pool filter can’t catch that cause your pool water to become cloudy. By binding with them, it will allow you to flush or filter out those contaminants so that you’ll have crystal clear water.
- Shock Treatments - These are used to raise your chlorine levels to “shock” your pool for situations that call for drastic chlorine applications.
- Stain Removers - These are specially formulated chemicals to make stain removal quick and painless and to protect your surface from damaged caused by heavy scrubbing.
Every pool chemical has its own required levels and to learn more about what they do and what happens when they’re not properly balanced then check out Mr Pool Man’s Ultimate Guide to Pool Chemicals.