Product Spotlight: Water TechniX Digital Pool Water Test Kit Meter

Digital test kits are generally considered to be more accurate and reliable than paper test strips for testing water quality in pools and spas. Until recently, readings like ORP and TDS were usually limited to specialized equipment and pool shop testing, but with the new Water TechniX Digital Pool water test kit, the power to test is at your fingertips!

Advantages of having a Digital Pool Water Test Meter

One main advantage of digital test kits is that they provide a more precise reading. Paper test strips are often color-coded and rely on the user to compare the strip's color to a chart to determine the result, which can be difficult and subject to interpretation. Especially during overcast days or with less than perfect eyesight, interpretation can lean towards the subjective side.

Digital test kits, on the other hand, use electronic sensors to measure the pH, salt, ORP, pH, TDS, and temperature levels in the water and provide an accurate digital reading.

Another advantage of the Water TechniX Digital Pool Water test kit is it is easier to use than paper test strips. With paper test strips, you have to dip the strip in the water, wait for a certain amount of time, then compare the color to a chart. With the Water TechniX digital test kit, you simply dip the sensor in the water, displaying the reading on the digital screen.

Digitally Testing for Pool Water pH

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The pH level of your pool water is important because it affects how comfortable and safe it is for swimmers. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. A pH level between 7.0 and 7.8 is considered acceptable for swimming pools. If the pH level is too low (below 7.0), it can cause skin and eye irritation, and make it harder to maintain chlorine levels. If the pH level is too high (above 7.8), it can cause scaling on pool surfaces and equipment, and also make it harder to maintain chlorine levels. So, keeping your pool's pH level in the right range is important for both your swimmers' comfort and the longevity of your pool equipment and accurately testing the pH level is the first step.

What pH levels should my pool have?

Acceptable pool pH range: 7.0 to 7.8

Ideal pool pH range: 7.4 to 7.6

While it is perfectly safe to swim outside the ideal range but still within the acceptable range, having the pH at the ideal range of 7.4 to 7.6 will keep your pool chemicals at their most effective.

Digitally Testing Pool Salt levels

While pool salt strips are relatively cheap, the main downside to having strips is that they will usually go bad before you get to use them all. While many paper strips are stored in a moisture-proof case, sometimes no matter how careful we are, moisture seeps in and ruins the strips before we get to use them all.

What salt levels should my pool have?

Ideal pool salt levels: 2700 to 3400 PPM

Digitally testing ORP for pool water

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ORP is an important measurement for pool water because it gives an indication of the effectiveness of the disinfectant in killing pathogens and maintaining water quality. It also helps to optimize the chemical balance of the pool water.

An ORP reading is measured in millivolts (mV) and the ideal range for a pool is between 650-750 mV. A higher ORP reading indicates that the disinfectant in the water is more effective at killing pathogens and keeping the water clean. Lower ORP readings may indicate that the disinfectant level is too low or that the water is contaminated, which can lead to the growth of bacteria and other harmful organisms.

ORP can also be used to optimize the chemical balance of the pool water. The ORP reading can be used to adjust the chlorine or bromine levels to ensure that the water is properly sanitized and safe for swimming.

The only way to test ORP in your pool is via a high-quality probe. Specialized ORP probes can cost upwards for $300 to $400, but with the Water TechniX digital pool water test kit, you’re getting ORP as well as 5 other readings at almost half the price!

What ORP level should my pool water have?

The ideal ORP level for a pool is between 650-750 millivolts (mV). A higher ORP reading indicates that the disinfectant in the water is more effective at killing pathogens and keeping the water clean, while a lower ORP reading may indicate that the disinfectant level is too low or that the water is contaminated.

For more information about the difference between a Chlorine ORP and PPM, click here.

Digitally Testing TDS in pool water (Total Dissolved Solids)

Total dissolved solids (TDS) is a measure of the concentration of dissolved minerals, salts, and other substances in the water. In the context of pool water, TDS is used to measure the overall water quality and to identify the presence of any contaminants.

The TDS level of pool water should be kept within a certain range, typically between 250-500 parts per million (ppm) for residential pools. High TDS levels can indicate that the pool water is contaminated with minerals, salts, or other substances that can cause scaling on pool surfaces, cloudiness, and staining. High TDS levels can also affect the effectiveness of chlorine and other chemicals used to sanitize the pool.

On the other hand, low TDS levels can indicate that the pool water has been diluted by rainwater or other sources, which can affect the chemical balance of the water and make it harder to maintain the proper pH and chlorine levels.

What TDS Should my pool water be at?

Recommended pool water TDS: 250 to 500 ppm

Importance of Pool Water Temperature

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With the included temperature probe/thermometer in the Water TechniX Digital Test Meter, you can get accurate temperature readings of your pool water while you’re taking your other readings. Sure you can use a dedicated thermometer but if you can have it while testing for other levels then why not right?

What many people don’t know is that aside from knowing that the pool water is just right for jumping in, knowing the pool temperature is helpful in determining if your pool chemicals will work. If the pool water is too cold, chemicals like chlorine and algaecide will have a hard time sanitising your pool. If your pool water is too warm, the chemicals may work better, but algae and bacteria will also grow at a faster rate.

What is the perfect pool temperature?

Aside from being the most comfortable levels to swim at, keeping you pool water temperature at around the 25C level will make your pool chemicals as effective as possible while keeping algae and bacteria growth controlled as well. (Not to mention it will be easier on your electric bill).

Overall, the best digital pool test kits offer more accurate and reliable results, are faster and easier to use, and provide more convenient data storage options than paper test strips, making them a better choice for testing water quality in pools and spas.

Other Digital Pool Test Kits Available on Mr Pool Man

Aside from the Water TechniX All-in-one Digital Pool Test Kit Meter, we also have a couple of more specialised digital pool testing meters for your swimming pool.

Digital Pool pH / Temperature Sensor

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Test Parameters:

  • pH (0.01- 14.00 pH);
  • Temperature (0.1-60.0℃   32.0-140℉)

Why why get a pH/Temperature digital test kit?

  • Simplicity: These testers are straightforward and easy to use. They focus on the two critical parameters: pH balance and water temperature.
    Cost-Effective: If you primarily need to monitor pH and temperature, investing in a specialized tester can be more budget-friendly.
  • Pool Size: For smaller pools, a pH and temperature tester may suffice. Larger pools might benefit from comprehensive testing.

CHLORINE ORP / Temperature Sensor

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Test Parameters:

  • Chlorine (ORP / REDOX) -999mV ~ +999mV        
  • Temperature (0.1-60.0℃   32.0-140℉)

Why get a ORP / REDOX /Temperature digital test kit?

  • Simplicity: These testers are straightforward and easy to use. They focus on the two critical parameters: ORP (a measure of oxidative strength) and water temperature.
  • Cost-Effective: If you primarily need to monitor ORP and temperature, investing in a specialized tester can be more budget-friendly.
  • Chlorine Efficiency: ORP correlates with chlorine effectiveness. Proper ORP levels ensure optimal chlorine performance for disinfection. And if you're like us, we prefer to check our pool's ORP as much as possible to keep the pool as sanitised as possible.
  • Pool Size: For smaller pools, an ORP and temperature tester may suffice. Larger pools might benefit from comprehensive testing.

SALT / Temperature Sensor

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Test Parameters:

  • Salinity SALT (0.00-25.0%; 0-9990ppm; 10.1-200.0ppt)
  • Temperature (0.1-60.0℃   32.0-140℉)

Why get a Salt / Temperature digital test kit?

  • Quick and Easy Salt Level Testing - Salt leves only need to be checked once every few months or after heavy rains. Having a digital salt testing meter is a lot better (in this writer's opinion) as these kits don't get damaged or don't accidentally "expire" when test strip bottles get moisture in them or isn't closed properly.
  • Cost-Effective: A bottle of Salt Test Strips usually lasts for 6 months to a year with regular testing. Having a digital test kit for salt levels will essentially make your salt testing free after 2-3 years!
  • Perfect for Saltwater Pools: Keeping track of your salt levels ensures that your pool stays sanitised and your salt water chlorinator is always at peak performance.

TDS / Temperature Sensor

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Test Parameters:

  • Total Disolved Solids TDS (0-999ppm; 1000-9990ppm; 10.1-200.0 ppt)
  • Temperature (0.1-60.0℃   32.0-140℉)

Why get a TDS / Temperature digital test kit?

  • TDS refers to all substances, both beneficial and potentially harmful, dissolved in water. It is measured in parts per million (ppm).
  • Examples of TDS components include minerals (calcium, sodium, chlorides), algae residue, pollen, metals, and organic waste introduced by swimmers.
  • Optimal TDS levels contribute to clear water, effective sanitation, and overall pool health.
  • Chlorine efficiency depends on balanced TDS levels. Too high or too low TDS can affect chlorine’s effectiveness.
  • Proper TDS helps prevent skin and eye irritation for swimmers.

FlipR AnalysR 3 Chemical Sensor

We have the FlipR AnalysR here, another great product that does everything the WT Digital Test meter and more. It features advanced features like telling you exactly what chemicals to add (no more calculations) automatically. It also syncs with your phone so you can see the status of your pool's chemicals anytime, anywhere! It's a bit pricier than our digital test kit, but if you want to go truly hands-free with your pool maintenance then this is the way to go!

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