A Better Way To Pool Blog | Mr Pool Man

Benefits of Using A Swim Trainer Belt
Not everyone has the luxury of having a full-sized pool to properly train their swimming form, but with the proper tools, that shouldn’t s...

Celebrate International Guacamole Day with Mr Pool Man!
It seems that nothing is going right this year with our extended staycations due to the pandemic. One thing that seems to have defied the...

Throwing the Best Easter Pool Party in 2025!
Don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, we have prepared this easy-to-follow guide on how to throw the Best Easter Pool Party this 2025! ...

Maximizing your pool during Winter
If you do a quick search for “swimming pool” and “winter” on most search engines, you’ll see a host of guides on how to close your pool fo...
Closing the summer with a bang: The Last Day of Summer Pool Party
You can already feel it in the air, the days of lounging around the pool and doing unlimited cannonballs is coming to an end. It seems jus...
How to Recycle Inflatable Pool Toys
With summer slowly winding down, everyone is starting to think about what to do with the load of pool toys that they have accumulated over...

Easy and Healthy Poolside Snacks for your Family
Wait wait, do you mean Mr Pool Man is writing about something that’s not related to pool maintenance? You betcha! We’re starting a new s...

Things to NEVER do to your pool, no matter what Instagram says
Do you want to throw the coolest pool party before summer is over? Have you seen some amazing things on Facebook and Instagram that made y...

Why Every Swimming Pool Owner needs a Spa
Contrary to what most people think, a spa isn’t just a tiny pool. A spa is more than that and today we’re going to go over the difference ...

Building a Poolside SandBox for the kids
Have the lockdown blues dampened the mood? Can’t go to the beach? Well, bring the beach to you by building your own poolside sandbox! This...

Fire Pits, Taking your Swimming pool to the next level
2020 is finally over and 2021 here but it seems like 2020 still isn’t done with us yet! With the summer season in full swing and lockdowns...

7 Pool chores that any kid can do!
Before we all get excited, let me just preface this article by saying that none of the chores that we’ll be suggesting today should be giv...