The AquaRite+ is the most advanced salt water chlorinator for pools and spas on the market. Not only is the AquaRite+ a salt water chlorinator that controls the filtration pump with a magnitude of different on/ off timer features, but it is fully expandable, giving you the freedom to create a system that suits you.
Key Features of the AquaRite +:
Expandable with upgrade kits
The expandability of AquaRite + gives it capabilities usually reserved for much more expensive equipment including options that allow you to measure and control your pools chlorine and PH levels and the ability to control your pool by Smart Phone. With AquaRite + you can simply add the elements that suit your lifestyle and your pool.
Aquarite + gives you the freedom to add the elements that you need.
Low profile, compact plug and play control box and compact cell allow for easy retrofits and straight forward installation.
Automatic Timer Schedules
These can be set to turn the filtration pump on and off, allowing for greater efficiency with less hassle for the user.
Automatic Low Salt Warning
A warning is displayed to advise when the salt levels in the pool require attention. Making maintenance easy.
Automatic Salt Level Testing
This can even be calibrated to confirm levels for accuracy testing, so you make sure that your pool levels are spot on.
Automatic Water Temperature Measuring
Real time water temperature is displayed, so now you won’t even need to dip a toe.
***NOTE ****This listing is for the Aquarite + Wifi Kit and is not included within the Aquarite chlorinator system purchase.