A Better Way To Pool Blog | Mr Pool Man

Pool Cleaners: Manual, Automatic or Robotic?
Having trouble deciding which one's best suited to your pool? Manual Pool Cleaners, Suction Pool Cleaners or Robotic Pool Cleaners, Here's some info on all three of them to help you out -
How To Test And Fix Pool Equipment
How To Test And Fix Pool Equipment
How To Maintain Chemicals In Peak Season
With all of your family and being in the pool night and day over the Summer period, you want to be sure that your chemicals are kept in check du...

How To Maintain Pool Filtration In Peak Season
When you've got the family, friends, pets and football team in the pool more than usual over Summer, cloudy pool water can arise! Stay on ...

How To Lower High Chlorine Levels In Pool Water
Oh no! Your pool water may be harmful to swimmers and cause skin and eye irritations if you Chlorine level is too high. Luckily, you're in ...

Water TechniX Pool Equipment
Engineered to perform, designed to last and priced for value, Water TechniX is the new range of pool equipment that's making waves.EXCLUSIV...

Expert Advice On Swimming With Dogs
There are things you should know about protecting your dog and your pool before you decide to let your best friends in the water. Do d...

How to Get Rid Of Blackspot Pool Algae
Black algae is perhaps the most difficult algae to get rid of! It has very deep roots that can grow into the side of plaster or concrete poo...

How To Get Rid Of Mustard Algae
Here's a very simple guide that will walk you through how to remove stubborn mustard algae from your swimming pool. Mustard or yellow algae...
How To Identify And Remove Pool Stains
Stains are one of the most irritating detriments to their investment that a pool owner can endure. To address this problem, the source of the stain must be identified, and the appropriate solution introduced as soon as possible.

How to Test Pool Water Accurately
It’s important to learn how to test pool water, and do it at least once a week to make sure the pH and alkalinity are balanced, and to keep...

Abandoned Metro Stations in Paris Resurrected as Underground Swimming Pool
Paris is the city of light and its metro is one of the most famous in the world. Some of its stations, converted into ghost stations after be...