What do we do when the pool there is not being used for the winter? Well, off the tops of our heads, we can think of one activity that can be done during the off-season that will pay off once the summer rolls in, and that’s renovating your pool!

Why renovate your pool during the off-season?

Well, the obvious reason is so that you won’t be eating away at your precious swimming time! Another good reason to renovate your pool during the Australian winter is that renovation brings with it dirt and debris that will eventually find their way to your pool which will surely mess up your pool chemical balance, so you wouldn’t want to be swimming in the pool anyway.

The question on everyone’s minds, what to renovate?

That depends, if your pool is still in excellent condition, then minor parts and upgrades can be done during the off-season. But if your pool has seen better days and a major facelift is in order then you’re better off consulting with a pool building professional. As an added bonus, many pool builders will have off-season renovation specials or discounts as typically there isn’t much of a demand for pool renovation during the off-season, it’s when summer rolls in when there’s a mad rush for homeowners to get their pools in top shape and you might have to deal with delays and long wait times.

But for minor parts and upgrades that are DIY-Friendly, read on!

Stainless Steel Ladders and Rails

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If your pool already has steel ladders and rails then replacing them shouldn’t take very long, simply unfasten your current rails and ladders from their ladder cups and swap them out (provided they’re the same size). But if your pool doesn’t have existing ladders and rails, then a bit of masonry work might be required.

Pro Tip: If you’re not confident with your masonry skills or if you think it’s too much work, simply search for a Concrete Cutting Contractor in your area and they will do the core drilling for you and you can have your new ladders and rails installed in absolutely no time at all.

Slides and Diving Boards

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Pool Slides and Diving Boards are fun ways to add an extra layer of fun to your pool! Before you say, “It can wait till summer” well… actually it can, but do you really want to wait until everyone is buying at the same time and you’re going to be dealing with shipping delays and things like that eating away at your swimming season?

You don’t have to keep them installed during the off season. All you need to do is install the mounting brackets and water connections (for slides), see if everything is securely bolted in, cemented, and working so that when summer rolls in, you can assemble them and enjoy them in your pool right from the get-go.

Pool Equipment Upgrades

The simplest upgrade you can give your pool is to swap out your current pool equipment with newer models to ensure that your upcoming swimming season remains as trouble-free as possible! And as an added bonus, the off-season will allow you to check for any leaks and any installation issues before the actual swimming season starts.

Upgrading to an ECO-Efficient Pool Pump

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If you’re an avid reader of our blog, you’ll know that even during the off-season, you’ll still need to run your pump during the winter to circulate your pool properly and to filter the pool water. Start your savings during the off-months and by the time summer rolls in, you’ve already saved enough money on your electricity bills to get a couple of new pool toys and floats! For a more detailed breakdown of how much you can save when using an ECO-Efficient pool pump vs a standard pool pump, check out our pumps by the numbers comparison here.

We also have a list of our best ECO-Efficient Pool Pumps Ranked Here.

Installing a Below Ground Roller Box

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You know what’s better than getting a pool cover for your pool? Installing a below-ground roller box for it! Below ground roller boxes are perfect for those with limited space or for those who want to have as little clutter poolside as well!

Installing a below ground pool cover roller box involves a bit of work as you’ll need to break apart/dig up part of your deck so doing it off-season is the perfect time to do it! Consult with your pool builder to make sure that you don’t hit any pipes or anything vital to your pool!

Note: If your pool location doesn’t allow for a below ground roller box installation, you can always opt for an under bench roller that pretty much does the same thing, but adds some seating space as well!


The off-season doesn't mean that your pool has to sit there idle. Take this opportunity to improve your pool so that when summer rolls in your pool will better than it was when the season previously ended!

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Happy swimming :)

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