A Better Way To Pool Blog | Mr Pool Man

Chemical in Focus: Pool Chlorine
After years of dealing with pool chlorine, I’ve come across a realization that I’ve never actually focused on what chlorine was. Yes, we k...
Clarifiers VS Flocculants, What’s the Difference?
Clarifiers and Flocculants are both coagulants, they both clear up cloudy water, and many people often confuse the two and for good reason...

Balancing your Pool Water for Summer
If you have properly winterized your pool then you shouldn’t be in for a surprise when you remove your pool cover for the summer. When you...
Real Costs of Running a Naked Pool System
We’ve gone through all of the benefits and disadvantages of going with a Naked Pool System in our The Naked Pool System - Baring it all out ...

Understanding the difference between Chlorine ORP and PPM
If you're further along in your pool maintenance journey they you may start to hear or read things like ORP or Oxidation - Reduction Pote...

How To Maintain Perfect Chlorine Levels
Firstly, congratulations! You are a true pool master of your time. Sanitisation is important and you've conquered it brilliantly. Now, le...

How To Raise Low Chlorine Levels In Pool Water
Uh oh! Your pool isn't sanitised. Middle ear infections and a green or cloudy pool is on the horizon. Luckily, we can help you fix that. ...
How To Maintain Chemicals In Peak Season
With all of your family and being in the pool night and day over the Summer period, you want to be sure that your chemicals are kept in check du...

How To Lower High Chlorine Levels In Pool Water
Oh no! Your pool water may be harmful to swimmers and cause skin and eye irritations if you Chlorine level is too high. Luckily, you're in ...
How To Identify And Remove Pool Stains
Stains are one of the most irritating detriments to their investment that a pool owner can endure. To address this problem, the source of the stain must be identified, and the appropriate solution introduced as soon as possible.