Pros and Cons of a Robotic Pool Cleaner

Pros and Cons of a Robotic Pool Cleaner

CleanersTimothy Te
Here at Mr Pool Man, we like to be honest and transparent about everything. While we’ve been very vocal about promoting robotic pool clean...
Pros and Cons of a Robotic Pool Cleaner

Pros and Cons of a Robotic Pool Cleaner

CleanersTimothy Te
Here at Mr Pool Man, we like to be honest and transparent about everything. While we’ve been very vocal about promoting robotic pool clean...
Best swimming pool pumps for 2025! (Buyers Guide)

Best swimming pool pumps for 2025! (Buyers Guide)

PumpsTimothy Te
A swimming pool pump is the beating heart to your entire pool operation, when selecting a pool pump you want to ensure the best quality and p...
5 Expert Tips to Keep Your Australian Pool Cool This Summer

5 Expert Tips to Keep Your Australian Pool Cool This Summer

SummerTimothy Te
Discover 5 expert tips to keep your Australian pool cool this summer and enjoy a refreshing swim experience
Energy-Efficient Pool Maintenance for the Australian Summer

Energy-Efficient Pool Maintenance for the Australian Summer

MaintenanceTimothy Te
As the Australian summer approaches, keeping your pool in pristine condition becomes a top priority. However, with the soaring temperatures c...
Cyanuric Acid For The Pool - Is Stabiliser a Friend or Foe?

Cyanuric Acid For The Pool - Is Stabiliser a Friend or Foe?

ChemicalsTimothy Te
Commonly known as "Pool Sunscreen" or "UV Blockout", here we dive into the nitty grittys of Cyanuric Acid. A common pool service househol...
How to clean a chlorinator cell

How to clean a chlorinator cell

ChlorinatorsTimothy Te
Saltwater chlorinators are the easiest ways to keep your pool water sanitized. In a nutshell, the saltwater cell uses a small current of e...
How To Get Rid Of Pool Algae (Green Pool Water)

How To Get Rid Of Pool Algae (Green Pool Water)

MaintenanceNatalie Hintze
Having trouble with pool algae? If so, know that you're not alone. Green pool algae is the most common issue that most pool owners face,...
Prep Your Pool In 11 Easy Steps

Prep Your Pool In 11 Easy Steps

MaintenanceTimothy Te
We all know that spectacular, healthy and enjoyable summer pools are maintained year round! Here is an easy step-by-step guide on prepping...
How often should I clean my pool filter cartridge?

How often should I clean my pool filter cartridge?

FiltersTimothy Te
This is a question that we get a lot through our social media channels as well as our email channels and we usually tell people that as a ...
Introducing our NEW and IMPROVED Anti-Algae Bundle

Introducing our NEW and IMPROVED Anti-Algae Bundle

ChemicalsTimothy Te
Algae—those persistent green interlopers—is the Australian pool owner's worst nightmare. Pool algae turns your serene pool into a murky mess...
How to get your swimming pool ready for summer

How to get your swimming pool ready for summer

MaintenanceTimothy Te
Ahhh, summer is in the air. Time to take off the pool covers and cool off with a nice refreshing dip. But before you jump in for the first...
From Green to Clean

From Green to Clean

MaintenanceTimothy Te
We've all seen guides on how to revive a green or flooded pool, but we haven't really documented reviving a pool, until now that is. Res...
Winter Dust vs Calcium Scaling, is there a difference?

Winter Dust vs Calcium Scaling, is there a difference?

MaintenanceTimothy Te
Have you ever opened your pool after winter and you see these white flakes on the bottom of your pool and instantly think, “scale!” and th...

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